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    Time Out 結果共18筆

  • IU’s concert tickets vanish in seconds amid huge demand

    IU’s upcoming concert in Taipei sold out in under a minute, with an estimated 700,000 fans vying for the 20,000 available tickets. The extreme demand crashed the ticketing platform KKTIX, prompting a ticket clearance event for disappointed fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" marks IU’s return to Taipei after a four-year hiatus, with performances scheduled for April 6 and 7 at the Taipei Arena. The concert will use real-name ticketing to combat scalping, and any returned tickets will be released at an unspecified time.
    2024/03/06 18:20
  • 贏香港、大阪!「2024全球最佳城市」台北入列 擠進榜單原因曝光

    一說到最棒的城市,相信大部分人心目中都有不同的答案;英國知名生活旅遊刊物《Time Out》日前也選出「2024年全球最佳城市」,沒想到台灣也成功入榜,意外擊敗日本大阪以及香港等地,原因也就此曝光。
    2024/01/30 09:42
  • EVA Air pilots secure right to strike

    Pilots for Taiwan’s EVA Air, supported by the Pilots Union Taoyuan (TUP), have voted in favor of striking due to ongoing disputes over pay raises. The TUP reported that out of the 910 participating pilots, an overwhelming 900 approved the strike action, with only 10 voting against it. The pilots are demanding a 20% salary adjustment, citing two main grievances – the hiring of foreign pilots amidst a staffing shortage and what they perceive as inadequate salaries and year-end bonuses, especially considering the airline industry’s substantial profits during the pandemic. EVA Air employs a total of 1,400 pilots, with 650 being TUP members. If all union member pilots choose to strike, it could result in half of the passenger and cargo flights being unable to operate during the Lunar New Year holiday. In contrast to the 2019 pilot strike at China Airlines, the TUP has stated that it will announce any confirmed strikes for 2024 at least 24 hours in advance to provide passengers with sufficient time to make necessary preparations.
    2024/01/22 12:14
  • Taichung bus drivers speak out on harsh working conditions

    Bus drivers in Taichung City met with the Transportation Bureau to express their concerns about long hours and lack of facilities. The drivers discussed their difficulties, including working 14 to 15 hours a day and not having enough time for breaks or restroom use. Democratic Progressive Party Taichung City Councilor Chang Fen-yu highlighted how poor labor conditions contribute to a shortage of drivers and hinder public transportation development. Taichung Transportation Bureau Director-General Yeh Chao-fu committed to improving conditions and compensation for drivers, including wage calculation, monitoring mechanisms, insurance, and vehicle maintenance.
    2024/01/18 18:28
  • Zooey Wonder sets Taipei ablaze with 2024 concert tour

    Get ready for Zooey Wonder’s "2024 See You Down The Road" concert in Taipei on Jan. 22. After being chosen by Golden Melody Award-winning singer Wu Qing-feng for a duet, Zooey Wonder has been thrust into the limelight. She recently kicked off her tour in Shanghai, performing meticulously prepared songs such as "Nomadland" and "Me Time". Throughout the year, Zooey Wonder plans to visit more places and meet more fans with her new songs. Don’t miss out on surprises and a concert-exclusive beautifully designed commemorative card at her Taipei concert. Grab your tickets now through KKTIX.
    2024/01/18 15:42
  • New agency to speed up drug review process in Taiwan

    Taiwan’s health ministry has announced the establishment of the Center for Health Policy and Technology Assessment (CHPTA) with an investment of nearly NT$200 million from the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA). The CHPTA aims to expedite the review process for newly insured drugs by implementing parallel reviews. Starting from New Year’s Day in 2024, the new system is expected to significantly shorten the time required for reviewing newly insured drugs from an average of 13 months to 6 months. Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan emphasized that national health insurance plays a stabilizing role in Taiwanese society and disapproved of major amendments, ruling out the possibility of a "third generation health insurance." He also expressed the belief that drug pricing policies under the health insurance system need reform, making the launch of CHPTA a significant reform effort.
    2023/12/28 13:27
  • Government’s selective pay raise draws criticism from union

    The Taiwan Higher Education Union (THEU) has criticized the government for playing a false game with wage increases. While civil servants, including military and education personnel, are set to receive a 4 percent pay increase next year, over 21,000 technical and administrative staff at universities, about 70 percent, remain unsure of their raises. This uncertain group includes employees at private universities. The THEU believes that the government should not leave salaries of non-certified staff to the discretion of universities, as it causes division and lowers morale. Only around 9,000 public employees out of the approximately 31,000 full-time staff members at universities and colleges are certain about their pay rise next year. The THEU is concerned that the hardships of grassroots workers in tertiary education institutions are being overlooked amidst the upcoming presidential elections. They urge that national wage increases should apply to all university staff, with appropriate subsidies provided.
    2023/12/26 21:56
  • 71% of Taiwan workers anticipate year-end bonus

    According to a recent survey by Yes123 job bank, 71% of Taiwanese workers expect to receive a year-end bonus, with 21.1% predicting a larger payout compared to last year. Dissatisfaction with bonus amounts could lead 64.2% of office workers to consider resigning. However, 70.9% of employees anticipate receiving their 2023 bonus before the 2024 Lunar New Year holiday, which is a five-year high. Reasons for not expecting a bonus include company profit declines (15.8%), non-full-time employment status (5.2%), insufficient tenure (4.7%), and personal performance (3.4%). Among those expecting a bonus, 18.6% believe they will receive less than last year, while 60.3% expect a similar amount. The main intended uses for the bonuses are savings (45.5%), honoring parents (43.2%), loan payments (40.5%), handing out red envelopes (39.3%), and investing (31.4%). Workers believe that the ideal distribution of bonuses should be proportionate to personal performance (41.9%), equitable for all employees (32.6%), or tied to company profit (25.5%). Factors that could impact the size of year-end bonuses include company profits (69.2%), personal performance (52.3%), moods of bosses or major shareholders (51.4%), years of service (50.4%), job rank (26.7%), and relationships with bosses or supervisors (25.5%).
    2023/12/20 15:25
  • Beinan tribe’s Lin Pin-chen tops Taitung forest ranger exams

    Lin Pin-chen, a 25-year-old woman from the Beinan tribe, has emerged as the top candidate in the examination for contingent forest rangers conducted by the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency’s (FANCA) Taitung Branch. Lin demonstrated exceptional skills in motorcycle riding, weighted running, as well as written and oral exams. Having previously worked for FANCA’s Chiayi Branch, Lin has now been selected for the position in Taitung. Out of the 20 registered examinees, 18 attended the exams, resulting in a 90% attendance rate. Following two days of intense competition, three candidates, all Taiwanese indigenous people from the Beinan, Amis, and Bunun tribes, were appointed full-time rangers, while six were put on the waitlist. The overall acceptance rate stood at 16.67%. Forest rangers in Taitung will receive a starting salary of NT$31,130, which can increase to NT$46,695 based on year-end evaluations and work performance. Additional allowances will also be provided for mountain patrol duties.
    2023/12/18 16:51
  • Taoyuan City Council cuts funds for garbage bag plan

    The Taoyuan City Council has passed the fiscal year 2024 budget, but has cut NT$117 million for the promotion and production of designated garbage bags. This decision puts the original pay-as-you-throw garbage fee system, set to start in July 2025, at risk. The city’s Department of Environmental Protection had allocated the funds for awareness campaigns and manufacturing the necessary garbage bags. City council members argue for a more cautious approach, considering resident feedback to determine the best time to implement the initiative. In response, Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang announced an extension of the pay-as-you-throw policy timeline, with no fixed schedule in place.
    2023/12/12 18:43
  • Keelung year-end concert tickets snatched up quickly

    Get your tickets now for Keelung’s year-end concert on Dec. 23 at the Keelung Gymnasium! With just 6,143 seats available, residents wasted no time in lining up at district offices to secure their tickets. The demand was so high that the allocation of 680 tickets per office quickly ran out. This year, Mayor George Hsieh decided to move the festivities indoors to avoid the rainy weather that often plagued previous open-air New Year’s Eve concerts. Hosted by Daniel Chen, Lin Yu-Pin, and Haze Chen, the concert promises an evening of entertainment with performances by Amber An, 911, Ailing Tai, Kimberley Chen, U:NUS, NEXT GIRLZ-CRYXTAL, and pianist Hsu Che-cheng. Don’t miss out on this highly anticipated event and enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable experience as you celebrate the end of the year with fanfare.
    2023/12/07 19:01
  • Bravo Bear夏天很忙!亞洲唯一代表「臺北熊讚」在法國與數百顆熱氣球齊飛

    為推展北市觀光及城市形象,「臺北熊讚熱氣球」今年夏天首次現身歐洲,參加歐洲最大、兩年一次的「法國世界熱氣球節(Grand Est Mondial Air Ballons,簡稱GEMAB)」並於22日完成歐洲首飛,也是今年亞洲唯一代表。臺北市政府觀光傳播局指出,此次由觀傳局長陳淑慧親自帶隊,參與法國熱氣球活動,熊讚與現場數百顆來自全世界的熱氣球一同翱翔天際,展現來自臺北的熱情活力,陳淑慧也與GEMAB創辦人Philippe Buron Pilatre會面,雙方分享彼此的熱氣球歷史及特色,透過熱氣球建立友誼,這次台北團隊也利用空檔和來自世界六十多個國家的飛行員交流,包括曾來台灣的老朋友和未曾到過台灣的新朋友。
    2023/08/01 12:40
  • Taiwan conducts Tian Ma drills at Pingtung Base

    Taiwan conducted the Tian Ma military drills at Pingtung’s Jialutung base on Monday (July 3) for the first time, aiming to carry out more "realistic" exercises.
    2023/07/03 19:36
  • Frozen food prices soar in Taiwan’s convenience stores

    With rising inflation, dining out has become more expensive for many Taiwanese. Additionally, even frozen foods sold at convenience stores are experiencing price hikes.
    2023/04/24 16:28
  • 台灣之光!英雜誌評比 北捷奪全球公共運輸系統第8名

    英國Time Out雜誌調查,全球50座城市運輸系統中,台北捷運擠進前10、排名第8。北捷表示,將精進服務,並陸續完成機廠太陽能光電系統,環保永續、綠能供電。
    2023/04/08 22:01
  • Taiwanese people brace for first cold wave this winter

    It’s time to take out your thick coats and blankets in Taiwan as local temperatures continue to drop.
    2022/12/15 16:43
  • 用烤麵包機煎牛排? TikTok挑戰惹怒「地獄廚神」

    影響力和使用人數不斷創新高的社群平台TikTok,卻也存在著諸多危險和不理智的內容,從先前各種危險挑戰、到利用非正常機具烹煮食物,雖然引起眾多討論,卻也讓人擔心用戶的安危。《Time Out》報導,一則快速吸引超過120萬點閱次數的影片,在TikTok平台爆紅,發文者利用考吐司的機器,進行煎牛排的動作,影片內容也惹怒了「地獄廚神」拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay),直言這到底在幹嘛?
    2022/11/20 17:01
  • 全球最酷街道榜!台灣這條列第4名 滿街都是一流餐廳

    街道是所有人每日生活的地方,著名的「Time Out」文化通訊周刊25日公布,全球「最酷街道」名單,有33條街道入榜,其中台北的永康街首度進榜且名列第4。
    2022/08/27 14:00
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